Because Beer 2017

Registration is open, and entries are being accepted May 15-26. If anyone is heading to Hamilton in the next couple of weeks and is willing to drop off some entries…

Van Brewers 2017

…Popular Hops 21A: American IPA Cowtown Yeast Wranglers 2nd Thomas O’Neill War Chief 21A: American IPA London homebrewers guild 3rd Jimmy Bernier Collabor’ale 21A: American IPA Le Ale’Gators Brewclub…

Start up Equipment

…sell complete package. He’s asking $200 for every thing, brew pot, burner, fermenters, carboys, various hoses and equipment, flip lid bottles. E-mail, or give me a call at 519-453-8344

Hops for Grain

Hey Brewers, I’m new to the guild and I’m excited to ramp up my homebrews. I just bought an 11lb bag of Yakima Cheif mosaic hops and an 11lb bag…